Women Knowing God

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Every Sunday until April 28, 2024

10:30am – 11:30am

Category: Women's Ministry
This four week study will help women understand how the fear of the Lord, as taught in the Scriptures, deepens our knowledge of God, enriches our relationship with Him, strengthens our faith, and leads to our spiritual flourishing.

The strong emotion of fear is part of living in a fallen and frightening world. In the Bible, this subject can be difficult and confusing. How are we to “fear not,” but also to “fear the Lord?” How can we both fear and love God? And how does reverent fear lead to spiritual flourishing in daily life? In this four week study, we will explore the answers to these essential questions together. Please join us!

Two books are available for this study, and you can choose which one you’d like. Both are well-written and user friendly! We can order a copy for you, or you can obtain your own. We can provide one free of charge if money is an issue.


Reeves, Michael. Rejoice and Tremble: The Surprising Good News of the fear of the Lord. Wheaton: Crossway, 2021, hardback,168 pp., about $17- This will be our primary teaching resource. 

Reeves, Michael. What Does it Mean to Fear the Lord? Wheaton: Crossway, 2021, paperback, 68 small pages, about $8- If you’re pressed for time, this one is shorter and contains the essentials.

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